When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is all about.
-Haruki Murakami

Our why

The story of the buffalo's resiliency is a fascinating one. The Rocky Mountains are one of the few natural occurrences that naturally divide two states down the middle. To the west is Colorado and to the east lies Kansas and its massive plains. Because of this distinctive topographical background, this area is unique in the sense that both buffalo and cattle consider it home. Historically, storms develop from the west and travel east. Cattle, sensing the impending storm, follow their natural instinct and begin running east, with the storm therefore absorbing the brunt of its fury. Since cattle are typically slow, they endure a vast amount of punishment.

However, the buffalo, sensing the same impending storm, begins running headfirst into the fury. They wait for the storm to crest over the mountain tops, and they attack it head-on. They do not wait for the storm to subside; instead, they run straight towards it, therefore lessening its blow.

The buffalo know that they could follow the cattle and run away from the storm. But they also know that would only enhance their suffering and give them a false sense of security. Humans are a lot like the cattle and the buffalo. Some embrace the difficulty, while others attempt to avoid it. Be like the buffalo.

The goal of Into the Storm mentorship is to foster an environment where we feel comfortable talking about issues, and where we can come together and lean on one another. An environment where men and women alike do not feel ashamed to admit something is wrong and we need help. We accomplish this by arranging informal get-togethers once, twice, or as many times as we would like a month so that it does not feel like a formal therapy appointment. Think of it as a “check-up from the neck up”.

Sometimes simply getting together for a cup of coffee, or just to talk and have someone listen can be the difference between running away from the storm or running into it.

About us

Into the Storm mentorship is an organization made up of like-minded individuals who are passionate about both servant leadership and mentoring others. Founded in 2023, Into the Storm mentorship came about one day as most great ideas in the fire service do, around the kitchen table. We realized there is a tremendous need for peer-to-peer mentorship and support, especially after emotionally draining events.